Chandrayaan-3 video: On July 14, 2023, India launched its third Moon mission, Chandrayaan-3, on board an LVM3-M4 rocket. Thousands of people witnessed the historic launch, and one lucky Indigo passenger flying from Chennai to Dhaka even managed to capture the lift-off from their window seat.
This perfect launch of Chandrayaan-3 has added muscle to India’s maiden covered mission, Gaganyaan-1, as the same rocket with ‘human-rated’ capability will be used to launch the mission. Let us take a look at the significance of Chandrayaan-3 and the Gaganyaan-1 mission.
Chandrayaan-3 video: A Shot in the Arm for Gaganyaan-1
The Chandrayaan-3 launch has been a major boost for the Gaganyaan-1 mission, which will be India’s first covered mission. A modified version of the LVM-3 rocket called the ‘Human Rated LVM-3’. It will be used for the mission and can launch the Orbital Module to a Low Earth Orbit of 400kms. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has developed this heavy-lift launch vehicle to achieve a 4,000 kg spacecraft launching capability to the Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit.
Components of the LVM3 Rocket
The 44.3-meter tall LVM3 rocket consists of three stages – a solid stage, a liquid stage, and a cryogenic stage. The two solid propellant S200 strap-ons and core stages consist of an L110 liquid stage and a C25 cryogenic stage.
Significance of the Gaganyaan-1 Mission
Gaganyaan-1 is India’s first covered mission and is expected to launch in 2022. The mission will send three astronauts, or ‘Gaganauts’, into space for up to seven days. This is part of the country’s plan to become the fourth nation to launch its own human spaceflight mission. The mission will help in developing various technologies and will also enable the study of the effects of microgravity on human physiology.
Chandrayaan-3 video taken from a flight by a passenger
The launch of India’s third Moon mission, Chandrayaan-3, has been a major achievement for ISRO and has given a major fillip to the Gaganyaan-1 mission. The ‘Human Rated LVM3’ rocket which will be used for the mission, can launch the Orbital Module to a Low Earth Orbit of 400kms. The Gaganyaan-1 mission, when successful, will make India the fourth nation to launch its own human spaceflight mission.
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